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make a post sharing photos or recommending the store and receive 100 ribbons per post !

take a screenshot of your post and send to us so we can check and release the ribbons for you :

you can post on your social media, blog, website, or anywhere you prefer, and as many times as you want, as long as the posts are public so we can find through the user / link that appears on the screenshots.

both text and image posts are okay, just make sure to mention that what you’re showing / talking about is the "shy bunny store"

temporary posts are okay, just make sure to keep it up for at least 24 hours. we check them out manually for then releasing your ribbons here.

using images on your profile / layout and crediting the store also counts as a disclosure post !

posting a link to "" is very appreciated. we suggest you share your affiliate link below :

people who use your link will get 5% discount
( cumulative with regular discount codes ) ,
while you get 100 ribbons
for each $10 usd they spend !

add your virtual collection widget code to your
site / blog for getting ribbons per view :